Family Legacy educates nearly 15,000 Zambian children attending one of our 26 private Legacy Academy school locations. Family Legacy employs over 1,050 Zambian staff and has less than 50 American staff; 20 of which live in Lusaka, Zambia.


Our Mission

Family Legacy exists to glorify God by empowering vulnerable children in Zambia to live out their God-given potential.

Our Vision

Family Legacy desires to serve and educate vulnerable and orphaned children in a holistic manner; spiritually, intellectually, physically and emotionally.

Everything changed when I felt a pull in my heart that led me to Family Legacy and ultimately a family trip to Camp Life last summer. I will never be the same—nor will my family. My faith was strengthened, I was stretched beyond my comfort zone, my family saw and grew closer to Christ because we were on the “frontlines” in ministry. Sure, we are called to minister, serve and share Christ at home and at work, but without question, the Lord used my Camp Life experience to push us out of our comfort zone and caused us to rely on Him completely.
— Russ Johnson, Houston, TX